About Cliff
Faction Of Men
Here is where we can all talk about the growing trends in the manosphere such as MGTOW, Expats, Passport Bros, and the recently popular Soft Guy Era trend (Drizzle Drizzle). As well as the negative repercussions of modern feminism and the extreme woke left to the positivity of the Trad Wife movement. And I will continue to support all those who have been constantly misled by modern feminist propaganda.
Conservative Minds
Conservative Minds provides useful information and support for today's Political Conservatives and their fight against the extreme liberal woke left ideologies. My YouTube videos are to provide current and concise content that is relevant to our cause, and to fight to ensure the leftist agendas are defeated. My goal is to uncover the truth and expose the extreme leftist propaganda. With your help and support we can prevail. Furthermore . . .
We are well aware of the destructive issues facing our once great nation. We need to take back our nation and I truly hope the world follows suit. Illegal Immigration has gotten completely out of hand. Open border policies simply do not work and are an undue and unsustainable burden on our society. Woke ideologies have been proven failures yet the leftists always continue to gaslight us, saying that we are the problem. The woke agendas must come to an end!
Are you ready?
Then, welcome to the party pal!